Source code for bispy.filters

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Julien Flamant
# Distributed under terms of the CeCILL Free Software Licence Agreement

Module for the LTI filtering of bivariate signals.

import numpy as np
import quaternion

from . import qfft

class Filter(object):
    def __init__(self, N, dt=1.0):

        self.f = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=dt)
        self.N = N
        self.dt = dt

    # def plot(self):
    #     # ''' Displays the spectral response of the filter for different input types'''
    #     # fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    #     # N = len(self.f)
    #     # ax.plot(self.f, randn(N))

[docs]class HermitianFilter(Filter): ''' Hermitian filter for bivariate signals. The Hermitian filtering relations reads in the QFT spectral domain: Y(nu) = K(nu)*[X(nu) - eta(nu)*mu(nu)*X(nu)*qj] where K is the homogeneous gain of the filter, eta is the polarizing power and mu the axis of the filter. Parameters ---------- N : int length of the filter K : array_type or float homogeneous gain array (should be of size N). If K is a float, then a constant gain is assumed throughout frequencies. eta : array_type or float polarizing power array (should be of size N). If eta is a float, then a constant polarizing is assumed throughout frequencies. mu : array_type (quaternion) or quaternion diattenuation axis quaternion array (should be of size N and of dtype quaternion). dt : float (optional) time sampling step (default 1) Attributes ---------- N : int length of the filter f : array_type sampled frequencies dt : float time sampling step (default 1) K, eta, mu : array_types filter parameters ''' def __init__(self, N, K, eta, mu, dt=1.0): # initialize Filter Filter.__init__(self, N, dt=dt) # several tests to ensure proper feed for param in [K, eta, mu]: if np.size(param) != 1 and np.size(param) != N: raise ValueError('Parameters should be either scalar or of size N') if np.size(K) == 1: Kvec = np.ones(N)*K else: Kvec = K if np.size(eta) == 1: etavec = np.ones(N)*eta else: etavec = eta if np.size(mu) ==1: muvec = np.ones(N)*mu/np.abs(mu) else: muvec = np.zeros(N, dtype='quaternion') muvec[np.abs(mu) > 0] = mu[np.abs(mu) > 0]/np.abs(mu)[np.abs(mu) > 0] # ensure symmetry relations qi = quaternion.x Kvec[N//2 +1:] = Kvec[1:N//2][::-1] # K(-v) = K(v) etavec[N//2 +1:] = etavec[1:N//2][::-1] # eta(-v) = eta(v) # mu(-v) = conj_i(mu(v)) muvec[N//2 + 1:] = -qi*np.conj(muvec[1:N//2][::-1])*qi muvec[0] = .5*(muvec[1] + muvec[-1]) muvec[N//2] = .5*(muvec[N//2+1] + muvec[N//2-1]) # save self.K = Kvec self.eta = etavec = muvec
[docs] def output(self, x): ''' returns the output of the filter given an input signal x ''' if np.size(x) != self.N: raise ValueError('Size of input array should be the same as the constructed filter') X = qfft.Qfft(x) qj = quaternion.y Y = self.K*(X - self.eta*(*X)*qj) y = qfft.iQfft(Y) return y
[docs]class UnitaryFilter(Filter): ''' Unitary filter for bivariate signals. The Unitary filtering relation reads in the QFT spectral domain: Y(nu) = exp(mu(nu)*alpha(nu) / 2)*X(nu)exp(1j*phi(nu)) where phi is phase delay of the filter, mu its axis and alpha is the birefringence angle. Parameters ---------- N : int length of the filter mu : array_type (quaternion) birefringence axis quaternion array (should be of size N and of dtype quaternion). alpha : array_type birefringence angle array (should be of size N). If alpha is a float, then alpha is assumed constant throughout frequencies. phi : array_type or float phase delay array (should be of size N). If phi is a float, then a constant phase delay is assumed throughout frequencies. dt : float (optional) time sampling step (default 1) Attributes ---------- N : int length of the filter f : array_type sampled frequencies dt : float time sampling step (default 1) mu, alpha, phi : array_types filter parameters ''' def __init__(self, N, mu, alpha, phi, dt=1.0): # initialize Filter Filter.__init__(self, N, dt=dt) # several tests to ensure proper feed for param in [mu, alpha, phi]: if np.size(param) != 1 and np.size(param) != N: raise ValueError('Parameters should be either scalar or of size N') if np.size(mu) ==1: muvec = np.ones(N)*mu/np.abs(mu) else: muvec = np.zeros(N, dtype='quaternion') muvec[np.abs(mu) > 0] = mu[np.abs(mu) > 0]/np.abs(mu)[np.abs(mu) > 0] if np.size(alpha) == 1: alphavec = np.ones(N)*alpha else: alphavec = alpha if np.size(phi) == 1: phivec = np.ones(N)*phi else: phivec = phi # ensure symmetry relations qi = quaternion.x alphavec[N//2 +1:] = alphavec[1:N//2][::-1] # alpha(-v) = alpha(v) phivec[N//2 +1:] = -phivec[1:N//2][::-1] # phi(-v) = -phi(v) phivec[0] = 0 phivec[N//2] = 0 # mu(-v) = invol_i(mu(v)) muvec[N//2 + 1:] = -(qi*muvec[1:N//2][::-1])*qi muvec[0] = .5*(muvec[1] + muvec[-1]) muvec[N//2] = .5*(muvec[N//2+1] + muvec[N//2-1]) # save self.alpha = alphavec self.phi = phivec = muvec
[docs] def output(self, x): ''' returns the output of the filter given an input signal x''' if np.size(x) != self.N: raise ValueError('Size of input array should be the same as the constructed filter') X = qfft.Qfft(x) qj = quaternion.y Y = (np.exp(*self.alpha/2)*X)*np.exp(qj*self.phi) y = qfft.iQfft(Y) return y