Source code for bispy.timefrequency

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Julien Flamant
# Distributed under terms of the CeCILL Free Software Licence Agreement

Module for the time-frequency analysis of bivariate signals.
# import modules and packages
import numpy as np
import quaternion

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as col
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # required for 3D plot
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
import scipy.signal as sg

from . import qfft
from . import utils

[docs]class Hembedding(object): ''' H-embedding class. Computes quaternion embedding of complex-valued signals. Parameters ---------- q : array_type quaternion input signal Attributes ---------- signal : array_type original input signal Hembedding : array_type Quaternion-embedding of the input signal a : array_type instantaneous amplitude theta : array_type instantaneous orientation chi : array_type instantaneous ellipticity phi : array_type instantaneous phase ''' def __init__(self, q): if q.dtype != 'quaternion': raise ValueError('array should be of quaternion type') self.signal = q # compute H-extension of the signal N = np.size(q, 0) Q = qfft.Qfft(q) # filter frequencies h = np.zeros((N, 4)) h[0, 0] = 1 h[N // 2, 0] = 1 h[1: N // 2, 0] = 2 hq = quaternion.as_quat_array(h) self.Hembedding = qfft.iQfft(Q * hq) # Compute Euler angle form a, theta, chi, phi = utils.quat2euler(self.Hembedding) self.a = a self.theta = theta self.chi = chi self.phi = phi
# TODO: routine for plotting the extracted parameters? class TFPrepresentation(object): def __init__(self, x, **kwargs): """ Base time-frequency-polarization representation object. This is a low-level function, not meant to be used directly. """ # check dimension of input array if x.ndim > 1: x = x.ravel() # check dtype of signal x and convert if necessary if x.dtype != 'quaternion': x = utils.sympSynth(x.real, x.imag) self.x = x N = x.shape[0] # timestamps of the signal x t = kwargs.get('t') if t is None: t = np.arange(N) self.t = t # # number of frequency bins # NFFT = kwargs.get('NFFT') # if NFFT is None: # NFFT = nextpow2(N) # elif NFFT < 0: # raise ValueError('Nfft should be greater than 0.') # else: # NFFT = nextpow2(NFFT) # self.NFFT = NFFT # # sampled frequencies # self.f = np.fft.fftfreq(NFFT) / (t[1] - t[0]) # sampled instants (spacing) # spacing = kwargs.get('spacing') # if spacing is None: # spacing = 1 # # self.sampled_index = np.arange(0, N, spacing) # self.sampled_time = t[::spacing] # init representation self.tfpr = None # init Stokes parameters self.S0 = None self.S1 = None self.S2 = None self.S3 = None self.S1n = None self.S2n = None self.S3n = None def normalizeStokes(self, tol=0.01): ''' Re-compute normalized Stokes parameters with a different normalization. Parameters ---------- tol : float tolerance parameter. Default is 0.01. ''' if self.S0 is not None: if np.sum(np.abs(self.S0)) > 0: self.S1n, self.S2n, self.S3n = utils.normalizeStokes(self.S0, self.S1, self.S2, self.S3, tol=tol) def plotSignal(self, kind='2D'): ''' Plot the bivariate signal x. Parameters ---------- kind : string, '2D' or '3D' type of plot. See `utils.visual`. ''' if kind == '2D': fig, ax = utils.visual.plot2D(self.t, self.x) elif kind == '3D': fig, ax = utils.visual.plot3D(self.t, self.x) return fig, ax def _plotStokes(self, t, f, S0_cmap='viridis', s_cmap='coolwarm', single_sided=True, affine=False): ''' Time-frequency plot of time-frequency energy map (S0) and time-frequency polarization parameters (normalized Stokes parameters S1n, S2n, S3n) Parameters ---------- t : array_type sampled times array f : array_type frequencies array (assuming unshifted) S0_cmap : colormap (sequential) to use for S0 time-frequency distribution s_cmap : colormap (diverging) to use for normalized Stokes time-frequency distribution Returns ------- fig, ax : figure and axis handles may be needed to tweak the plot ''' if affine: # size of plot A = np.random.rand(1, 4) w, h = plt.figaspect(A) labelsize= 20 fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=4, figsize=(w, h), sharey=True, gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios':[1, 1, 1, 1]}) im0 = ax[0].pcolormesh(t, f, self.S0, cmap=S0_cmap) im1 = ax[1].pcolormesh(t, f, self.S1n, cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1) im2 = ax[2].pcolormesh(t, f, self.S2n, cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1) im3 = ax[3].pcolormesh(t, f, self.S3n, cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1) # adjust figure cbarax1 = fig.add_axes([0.96, 0.12, 0.01, 0.8]) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cbarax1, orientation='vertical', ticks=[-1, 0, 1])[-1, 0, 1])'top') label =[r'$S_0$', r'$s_1$', r'$s_2$', r'$s_3$'] for i, axis in enumerate(ax): axis.set_xlabel('Time') axis.set_aspect(1./axis.get_data_ratio()) axis.set_adjustable('box') axis.set_title(label[i], y = 0.85, size=labelsize) axis.set_xlim(self.t.min(), self.t.max()) # set ylabls ax[0].set_ylabel('Frequency') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0.05, top=0.92, bottom=0.12) return fig, ax else: f = np.fft.fftshift(f) #tt, ff = np.meshgrid(t, np.fft.fftshift(f)) # size of plot A = np.random.rand(1, 4) w, h = plt.figaspect(A) labelsize= 20 fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=4, figsize=(w, h), sharey=True, gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios':[1, 1, 1, 1]}) im0 = ax[0].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S0, 0), cmap=S0_cmap, extent=[t.min(), t.max(), f.min(), f.max()], origin='lower') im1 = ax[1].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S1n, axes=0), cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1, extent=[t.min(), t.max(), f.min(), f.max()], origin='lower') im2 = ax[2].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S2n, axes=0), cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1, extent=[t.min(), t.max(), f.min(), f.max()], origin='lower') im3 = ax[3].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S3n, axes=0), cmap=s_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=+1, extent=[t.min(), t.max(), f.min(), f.max()], origin='lower') if single_sided is True: ax[0].set_ylim(0, f.max()) # adjust figure cbarax1 = fig.add_axes([0.96, 0.12, 0.01, 0.8]) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cbarax1, orientation='vertical', ticks=[-1, 0, 1])[-1, 0, 1])'top') label =[r'$S_0$', r'$s_1$', r'$s_2$', r'$s_3$'] for i, axis in enumerate(ax): axis.set_xlabel('Time') axis.set_aspect(1./axis.get_data_ratio()) axis.set_adjustable('box') axis.set_title(label[i], y = 0.85, size=labelsize) axis.set_xlim(self.t.min(), self.t.max()) # set ylabls ax[0].set_ylabel('Frequency') fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0.05, top=0.92, bottom=0.12) return fig, ax
[docs]class QSTFT(TFPrepresentation): ''' Compute the Quaternion-Short Term Fourier Transform for bivariate signals taken as (1, i)-quaternion valued signals. Parameters ---------- x : array_type input signal array t : array_type (optional) time samples array. Default is t = np.arange(x.shape[0]) Attributes ---------- t : array_type time samples array x : array_type input signal array params : dict parameters used for the computation of the Q-STFT. sampled_time : array_type sampled times instants f : array_type sampled frequencies tfpr : array_type Q-STFT coefficients array S0, S1, S2, S3 : array_type Time-frequency Stokes parameters, non-normalized [w.r.t. S0] S1n, S2n, S3n : array_type normalized time-frequency Stokes parameters [w.r.t. S0] using the tolerance factor `tol`. See `utils.normalizeStokes`. ridges : list List of ridges index and values extracted from the time-frequency energy density S0. Requires call of `extractRidges` for ridges to be added. ''' def __init__(self, x, t=None): # init main base object super(QSTFT, self).__init__(x=x, t=t) # init frequencies, sampled times and params directly self.f = None self.sampled_times = None self.params = None #init ridges self.ridges = []
[docs] def compute(self, window='hamming', nperseg=128, noverlap=None, nfft=None, boundary='zeros', tol=0.01, ridges=False): ''' Compute the Q-STFT of the signal x. It takes advantages of the scipy.signal.stft function for greater flexibility. Parameters ---------- window, nperseg, noverlap, nfft, boundary : stft parameters See `scipy.signal.stft` tol : float, optional tolerance factor used in normalization of Stokes parameters. Default to 0.01 ridges: bool, optional If True, compute also the ridges of the transform. Default to `False`. Ridges can be later computed using `extractRidges()`. ''' # parameters self.params = dict(fs = 1./(self.t[1]-self.t[0]), window=window, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, boundary=boundary, return_onesided=False, detrend=False, padded=True) # split x = x_1 + i x_2 x1, x2 = utils.sympSplit(self.x) # Compute the Q-STFT using scipy.signal.stft on x1, x2 f, sampled_times, temp1 = sg.stft(x1, **self.params ) _, _ , temp2 = sg.stft(x2, **self.params) # update Attributes self.f = f self.sampled_times = sampled_times # recombine self.tfpr = utils.sympSynth(temp1, temp2) # old version # sizewindow = np.size(self.window, 0) # # check size of window is odd # if sizewindow % 2 == 0: # raise ValueError('Window size must me odd.') # # Lh = (sizewindow - 1) // 2 # half size index # N = self.x.shape[0] # print('Computing Q-STFT coefficients') # temp = np.zeros_like(self.tfpr) # for ti, ts in enumerate(self.sampled_index): # # taumin = - min([round(self.NFFT / 2) - 1, Lh, ts]) # taumax = min([round(self.NFFT / 2) - 1, Lh, N - ts - 1]) # tau = np.arange(taumin, taumax + 1) # indices = ((self.NFFT + tau) % self.NFFT).astype(int) # # windowInd = self.window[(Lh + tau).astype(int)] # windowIndq = utils.sympSynth(np.conj(windowInd) / np.linalg.norm(windowInd), 0) # # temp[indices, ti] = self.x[(ts + tau).astype(int)] * windowIndq # # temp = qfft.Qfft(temp, axis=0) #self.tfpr = temp # Compute the Time-Frequency Stokes parameters S0, S1, S2, S3 print('Computing Time-Frequency Stokes parameters') self.S0 = np.norm(self.tfpr) # already squared norm with this definition # compute the j-involution + conjugation qjq = utils.StokesNorm(self.tfpr) qjq_float = quaternion.as_float_array(qjq) self.S1 = qjq_float[..., 2] self.S2 = qjq_float[..., 3] self.S3 = qjq_float[..., 1] # normalized Stokes parameters self.S1n, self.S2n, self.S3n = utils.normalizeStokes(self.S0, self.S1, self.S2, self.S3, tol=tol) if ridges is True: self.extractRidges()
[docs] def inverse(self, mask=None): '''Compute inverse Q-STFT Parameters ---------- mask: array_type mask applied to Q-STFT coefficients prior to inversion. If mask=None, no mask is employed. ''' # construct dict for inversion inversion_dict = dict(fs = self.params['fs'], window=self.params['window'], nperseg=self.params['nperseg'], noverlap=self.params['noverlap'], nfft=self.params['nfft'], boundary=self.params['boundary'], input_onesided=False) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(self.S0.shape, dtype=bool) tfp1, tfp2 = utils.sympSplit(self.tfpr*mask) t, x1 = sg.istft(tfp1, **inversion_dict) __, x2 = sg.istft(tfp2, **inversion_dict) xr = utils.sympSynth(x1, x2) return t, xr
[docs] def extractRidges(self, parThresh=4, parMinD=3): ''' Extracts ridges from the time-frequency energy density S0. Parameters ---------- parThresh : float, optional Controls the threshold at which local maxima of S0 are accepted or rejected. Larger values of `parThresh`increase the number of eligible points. parMinD : float, optional Ridge smoothness parameter. Controls at which maximal distance can be located two eligible same ridge points. The smaller `parMinD`is the smoother ridges are. Returns ------- ridges : list list of detected ridges ''' nfft = self.params['nfft'] # Extract ridges print('Extracting ridges') self.ridges = _extractRidges(self.S0[:nfft//2, :], parThresh, parMinD)
[docs] def plotRidges(self, quivertdecim=10): ''' Plot S0, the orientation and ellipticity recovered from the ridges in time-frequency domain If ridges are not extracted yet, it runs `extractRidges` method first. Parameters ---------- quivertdecim : int, optional time-decimation index (allows faster and cleaner visualization of orientation vector field) Returns ------- fig, ax : figure and axis handles may be needed to tweak the plot ''' # default colormaps cmap_S0 = 'Greys' cmap_theta = 'hsv' cmap_chi = 'coolwarm' # check whether ridges have been computed if len(self.ridges) == 0: print('No ridges detected, computing ridges.') self.extractRidges() # create ridge mask maskRidge = np.zeros(self.S0.shape, dtype=bool) for r in self.ridges: maskRidge[r[0], r[1]] = True # Compute orientation and ellipticity values S1mask = == False, self.S1n) S2mask = == False, self.S2n) S3mask = == False, self.S3n) theta = .5 * np.arctan2(S2mask, S1mask) ori = np.exp(1j * theta) chi = 0.5 * np.arcsin(S3mask) N = np.size(self.t) # prepare meshgrid tt, ff = np.meshgrid(self.sampled_times, np.fft.fftshift(self.f)) # size of plot A = np.random.rand(1, 3) w, h = plt.figaspect(A) labelsize= 20 fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(w, h), sharey=True, gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios':[1, 1, 1]}) #im0 = ax[0].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S0, 0), cmap=cmap_S0,origin='lower', extent=[self.sampled_times.min(), self.sampled_times.max(), 0, self.f.max()], aspect='auto') im0 = ax[0].imshow(np.fft.fftshift(self.S0, 0), cmap=cmap_S0, extent=[self.sampled_times.min(), self.sampled_times.max(), self.f.min(), self.f.max()], origin='lower') im1 = ax[1].quiver(self.sampled_times[::quivertdecim], self.f, np.real(ori[:, ::quivertdecim]), (np.imag(ori[:, ::quivertdecim])), theta[:, ::quivertdecim], clim=[-np.pi/2, np.pi/2], cmap=cmap_theta, headaxislength=0,headlength=0.001, pivot='middle',width=0.005, scale=15) for r in self.ridges: points = np.array([self.sampled_times[r[1]], self.f[r[0]]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap_chi), norm=plt.Normalize(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)) lc.set_array(chi[(r[0], r[1])]) lc.set_linewidth(5) im2 = ax[2].add_collection(lc) #im2 = ax[2].imshow(chi, vmin=-np.pi/4, vmax=np.pi/4, interpolation='none', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='coolwarm', extent=[self.t.min(), self.t.max(), 0, self.f[N/2-1]]) # adjust figure fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, top=0.8, right=0.99, wspace=0.05) for i, axis in enumerate(ax): axis.set_xlabel('Time') axis.set_ylim([0, self.f.max()]) axis.set_xlim(self.t.min(), self.t.max()) axis.set_aspect(1./axis.get_data_ratio()) axis.set_adjustable('box') cbarax0 = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.83, 0.224, 0.03]) cbar0 = fig.colorbar(im0, cax=cbarax0, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[0, np.max(self.S0)])['', ''])'top') cbarax1 = fig.add_axes([0.185+0.224, 0.83, 0.224, 0.03]) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cbarax1, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[-np.pi/2, 0, np.pi/2])[r'$-\frac{\pi}{2}$', r'$0$', r'$\frac{\pi}{2}$'])'top') cbarax2 = fig.add_axes([0.725, 0.83, 0.224, 0.03]) cbar2 = fig.colorbar(im2, cax=cbarax2, ticks=[-np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4], orientation='horizontal')[r'$-\frac{\pi}{4}$', r'$0$', r'$\frac{\pi}{4}$'])'top') ax[0].set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax[0].set_title('Time-Frequency energy density', y=1.14) ax[1].set_title('Instantaneous orientation', y=1.14) ax[2].set_title('Instantaneous ellipticity', y=1.14) return fig, ax
[docs] def plotStokes(self, S0_cmap='viridis', s_cmap='coolwarm', single_sided=True): ''' Time-frequency plot of time-frequency energy map (S0) and time-frequency polarization parameters (normalized Stokes parameters S1n, S2n, S3n) Parameters ---------- S0_cmap : colormap (sequential) to use for S0 time-frequency distribution s_cmap : colormap (diverging) to use for normalized Stokes time-frequency distribution Returns ------- fig, ax : figure and axis handles may be needed to tweak the plot ''' return self._plotStokes(self.sampled_times, self.f, S0_cmap=S0_cmap, s_cmap=s_cmap, single_sided=single_sided)
#!---- Quaternion Continuous Wavelet Transform --------------------------!#
[docs]class QCWT(TFPrepresentation): def __init__(self, x, t=None): ''' Compute the Quaternion-Continuous Wavelet Transform for bivariate signals taken as (1, i)-quaternion valued signals. Parameters ---------- x : array_type input signal array t : array_type (optional) time samples array. Default is t = np.arange(x.shape[0]) Attributes ---------- t : array_type time samples array x : array_type input signal array params : dict parameters used for the computation of the Q-CWT. sampled_frequencies : array_type sampled frequencies tfpr : array_type Q-STFT coefficients array S0, S1, S2, S3 : array_type Time-frequency Stokes parameters, non-normalized [w.r.t. S0] S1n, S2n, S3n : array_type normalized time-frequency Stokes parameters [w.r.t. S0] using the tolerance factor `tol`. See `utils.normalizeStokes`. ridges : list List of ridges index and values extracted from the time-frequency energy density S0. Requires call of `extractRidges` for ridges to be added. ''' # init main base object super(QCWT, self).__init__(x=x, t=t) # init frequencies, scales and params directly self.sampled_frequencies = None self.params = None #init ridges self.ridges = [] def _getWavelet(self, Nscales, **waveletParams): # construct wavelet array (len(x), Nscales) N = self.x.shape[0] W = np.zeros((Nscales, N), dtype='quaternion') Fs = 1./(self.t[1]-self.t[0]) f = np.fft.fftfreq(N, d=1./Fs) wType = waveletParams['type'] if wType not in ['Morse', 'Morlet']: raise ValueError("Unknown value for wavelet type %s, must be one of: " "{'Morse', 'Morlet'}" % wType) if wType == 'Morse': if waveletParams.get('beta') is None: beta = 3 else: beta = waveletParams['beta'] if waveletParams.get('gamma') is None: gamma = 1 else: gamma = waveletParams['gamma'] if waveletParams.get('norm') is None: mode = 'bandpass' else: mode = waveletParams['norm'] fc = (beta/gamma)**(1./gamma) # central frequency of Morse wavelets for fi, fsampled in enumerate(self.sampled_frequencies): fnorm = f[:N//2]*fc/(fsampled) temp = fnorm**beta*np.exp(-fnorm**gamma) norm = self._getNormalization(wType, beta, gamma, mode=mode, Fs=Fs, fc=fc, fsampled=fsampled) W[fi, :N//2] = utils.sympSynth(temp*norm, 0) elif wType == 'Morlet': if waveletParams.get('eta') is None: eta = 2*np.pi else: eta = waveletParams.get('eta') for fi, fsampled in enumerate(self.sampled_frequencies): s = eta /(2*np.pi*fsampled) # scale prefactor = (np.pi)**(-1/4)/(1+np.exp(-eta**2)-2*np.exp(-3/4*eta**2))**1/2*np.sqrt(s) temp = prefactor*(np.exp(-0.5*(s*2*np.pi*f - eta)**2) - np.exp(-0.5*((s*2*np.pi*f)**2 + eta**2))) W[fi, :] = utils.sympSynth(temp, 0) return W def _getNormalization(self, wType, beta=None, gamma=None, Fs=None, fc=None, fsampled=None, mode='bandpass'): if wType == 'Morse': ''' See e.g., Lilly, Jonathan M., and Sofia C. Olhede. 2009. “Higher-Order Properties of Analytic Wavelets.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (1): 146–60. doi:10.1109/TSP.2008.2007607. Olhede, Sofia C., and Andrew T. Walden. 2002. “Generalized Morse Wavelets.” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50 (11): 2661–70. doi:10.1109/TSP.2002.804066. ''' import scipy.special as sp if mode == 'bandpass': a = 2*(np.exp(1)*gamma/beta)**(beta/gamma) elif mode == 'energy': r = (2*beta+1)/gamma a = (gamma*(2**r)/sp.gamma(r))**(0.5)*np.sqrt(Fs*fc/(fsampled)) return a
[docs] def compute(self, fmin, fmax, waveletParams, Nscales=50, tol=0.01, ridges=False): ''' Compute the Q-CWT of x using a specified wavelet. Parameters ---------- fmin, fmax : float min and max frequencies waveletParams : dict dictionary containing wavelet features. Currently 2 types, 'Morlet' and 'Morse' are supported. Nscales : int number of scales to analyze. Controls the size of the sampled_frequencies array. tol : float, optional tolerance factor used in normalization of Stokes parameters. Default to 0.01 ridges: bool, optional If True, compute also the ridges of the transform. Default to `False`. Ridges can be later computed using `extractRidges()`. ''' #deine sampled frequencies from fmin and fmax Fs = self.t[1]-self.t[0] N = self.x.shape[0] self.sampled_frequencies = np.logspace(np.log10(fmin), np.log10(fmax), Nscales) # note to self: allow other choices as well? W =self._getWavelet(Nscales=Nscales, **waveletParams) X = qfft.Qfft(self.x) # Precompute the QFT of signal sarray temp = np.zeros((Nscales, N), dtype='quaternion') for k in range(Nscales): temp[k, :] = qfft.iQfft(X * W[k, :]) self.tfpr = temp self.params = dict(fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, wavelets = W) # Compute the Time-Frequency Stokes parameters S0, S1, S2, S3 print('Computing Time-Frequency Stokes parameters') self.S0 = np.norm(self.tfpr) # already squared norm with this definition # compute the j-involution + conjugation qjq = utils.StokesNorm(self.tfpr) qjq_float = quaternion.as_float_array(qjq) self.S1 = qjq_float[..., 2] self.S2 = qjq_float[..., 3] self.S3 = qjq_float[..., 1] # normalized Stokes parameters self.S1n, self.S2n, self.S3n = utils.normalizeStokes(self.S0, self.S1, self.S2, self.S3, tol=tol) if ridges is True: self.extractRidges()
[docs] def extractRidges(self, parThresh=4, parMinD=3): ''' Extracts ridges from the time-scale energy density S0. Parameters ---------- parThresh : float, optional Controls the threshold at which local maxima of S0 are accepted or rejected. Larger values of `parThresh`increase the number of eligible points. parMinD : float, optional Ridge smoothness parameter. Controls at which maximal distance can be located two eligible same ridge points. The smaller `parMinD`is the smoother ridges are. Returns ------- ridges : list list of detected ridges ''' print('Extracting ridges') self.ridges = _extractRidges(self.S0, parThresh, parMinD)
[docs] def plotStokes(self, S0_cmap='viridis', s_cmap='coolwarm'): ''' Time-frequency plot of time-frequency energy map (S0) and time-frequency polarization parameters (normalized Stokes parameters S1n, S2n, S3n) Parameters ---------- S0_cmap : colormap (sequential) to use for S0 time-frequency distribution s_cmap : colormap (diverging) to use for normalized Stokes time-frequency distribution Returns ------- fig, ax : figure and axis handles may be needed to tweak the plot ''' return self._plotStokes(self.t, self.sampled_frequencies, S0_cmap=S0_cmap, s_cmap=s_cmap, affine=True)
[docs] def plotRidges(self, quivertdecim=10): ''' Plot S0, and the orientation and ellipticity recovered from the ridges in time-scale domain If ridges are not extracted yet, it runs `extractRidges` method first. Parameters ---------- quivertdecim : int, optional time-decimation index (allows faster and cleaner visualization of orientation vector field) Returns ------- fig, ax : figure and axis handles may be needed to tweak the plot ''' # default colormaps cmap_S0 = 'Greys' cmap_theta = 'hsv' cmap_chi = 'coolwarm' # check whether ridges have been computed if len(self.ridges) == 0: print('No ridges detected, computing ridges.') self.extractRidges() # create ridge mask maskRidge = np.zeros(self.S0.shape, dtype=bool) for r in self.ridges: maskRidge[r[0], r[1]] = True # Compute orientation and ellipticity values S1mask = == False, self.S1n) S2mask = == False, self.S2n) S3mask = == False, self.S3n) theta = .5*np.arctan2(S2mask, S1mask) ori = np.exp(1j * theta) chi = 0.5 * np.arcsin(S3mask) N = np.size(self.t) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(12, 5), sharey=True) im0 = ax[0].pcolormesh(self.t, self.sampled_frequencies, self.S0, cmap=cmap_S0) im1 = ax[1].quiver(self.t[::quivertdecim], self.sampled_frequencies, np.real(ori[:, ::quivertdecim]), (np.imag(ori[:, ::quivertdecim])), theta[:, ::quivertdecim], clim=[-np.pi/2, np.pi/2], cmap=cmap_theta, headaxislength=0,headlength=0.001, pivot='middle',width=0.005, scale=15) for r in self.ridges: points = np.array([self.t[r[1]], self.sampled_frequencies[r[0]]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap_chi), norm=plt.Normalize(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)) lc.set_array(chi[(r[0], r[1])]) lc.set_linewidth(3) im2 = ax[2].add_collection(lc) #im2 = ax[2].imshow(chi, vmin=-np.pi/4, vmax=np.pi/4, interpolation='none', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='coolwarm', extent=[self.t.min(), self.t.max(), 0, self.f[N/2-1]]) # adjust figure fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, top=0.8, right=0.99, wspace=0.05) cbarax0 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.83, 0.303, 0.03]) cbar0 = fig.colorbar(im0, cax=cbarax0, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[0, np.max(self.S0)])['', ''])'top') cbarax1 = fig.add_axes([0.369, 0.83, 0.303, 0.03]) cbar1 = fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cbarax1, orientation='horizontal', ticks=[-np.pi/2, 0, np.pi/2])[r'$-\frac{\pi}{2}$', r'$0$', r'$\frac{\pi}{2}$'])'top') cbarax2 = fig.add_axes([0.686, 0.83, 0.303, 0.03]) cbar2 = fig.colorbar(im2, cax=cbarax2, ticks=[-np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4], orientation='horizontal')[r'$-\frac{\pi}{4}$', r'$0$', r'$\frac{\pi}{4}$'])'top') for i, axis in enumerate(ax): axis.set_xlim([self.t.min(), self.t.max()]) axis.set_ylim([self.sampled_frequencies.min(), self.sampled_frequencies.max()]) ax[0].set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax[0].set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax[0].set_title('Time-frequency energy density', y=1.14) ax[1].set_title('Instantaneous orientation', y=1.14) ax[2].set_title('Instantaneous ellipticity', y=1.14) return fig, ax
# # Low-level functions # def _extractRidges(density, parThresh, parMinD): A, B = density.shape # A: len of frequency axis, B len of time axis # find all local maximas locMax = np.zeros((A, B), dtype=bool) thresh = np.max(density) / parThresh for ind in range(B): detectmax = sg.argrelextrema(density[:, ind], np.greater)[0] ismaxOK = density[detectmax, ind] > thresh locMax[detectmax, ind] = True * ismaxOK # chain the ridges ridges = [] currentRidget = [] currentRidgef = [] while np.any(locMax): freqMask, timeMask = np.where(locMax) currentRidget.append(timeMask[0]) currentRidgef.append(freqMask[0]) locMax[freqMask[0], timeMask[0]] = False freqMask, timeMask = np.where(locMax) FLAG = False # Avoid undifined FLAG if condition is false. if len(timeMask) > 1: FLAG = True while FLAG: distances = np.sqrt((timeMask-currentRidget[-1])**2 + (freqMask-currentRidgef[-1])**2) minD = np.where(distances == distances.min())[0][0] if (distances[minD] < parMinD) and (len(timeMask) > 1): currentRidget.append(timeMask[minD]) currentRidgef.append(freqMask[minD]) locMax[freqMask[minD], timeMask[minD]] = False freqMask, timeMask = np.where(locMax) else: FLAG = False if len(timeMask) == 1: currentRidget.append(timeMask[0]) currentRidgef.append(freqMask[0]) ridges.append((currentRidgef, currentRidget)) currentRidget = [] currentRidgef = [] print('Ridge added') print(str(len(ridges)) + ' ridges were recovered.') return ridges def log2(x): return np.log(x) / np.log(2) def nextpow2(i): n = 1 while n < i: n *= 2 return int(n)